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Poem: A moment in the company of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ

Three years ago, Ustadh Karam Rehman shared the following tweet: “If the Rasul ﷺ was to come to you for a day, what would you change?”

In answer to the question ,I penned this poem. It was then selected by Dr Muzamil Khan and he chose to gift me his new release; Endless Grace: Dreams and Visions of the Prophet Through the Ages along with a beautifully designed Hilyah.

The Poem

The beloveds arrival, what would I change?

No state is worthy of his noble gaze

No answer is befitting, what to replace?

He knows of my sorrows, no need to share

One glance I ask, enough to repair

Impossible task, I have received

Aware He is, of what is perceived

His character to adopt is what id try

A heart of sorrow, sins reaching the sky

Heavy and weighty my eyes would be

Releasing rivers of tears to al-nabi

To behold his noble vision, is my only dream

O Ibn Asif! How lucky to be

The crown of creation, to visit thee

For such days I long, come soon they will

Reform yourself and behold all splendid

02:23am 14/10/20

Muhammad Umer Asif

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